Pure CSS Bulb Switch - CSS Fun

Pure CSS Bulb Switch - CSS Fun

Pure CSS Bulb Switch - CSS Fun

Hey guys, I was just expirimenting again with CSS to make a simple switch and got motivated and made an actuall switch which will light a bulb when it is turned on . but the real challenge was can I make it with pure css? 

After 3 hours of dedicated time to css on codepen, i've achevied what i would call a self challenge.Just check it out and have fun with it.


Click here to view in full screen.

Okay, now lets quickly dive into the coding part of this UI.


<div class="switch">
 <input type="checkbox" name="toggle">
 <label for="toggle">
    <i class="bulb">
      <span class="bulb-center"></span>
      <span class="filament-1"></span>
      <span class="filament-2"></span>
      <span class="reflections">
      <span class="sparks">
        <i class="spark1"></i>
        <i class="spark2"></i>
        <i class="spark3"></i>
        <i class="spark4"></i>


$ts-speed = .7s

  height 100vh
  display flex
  align-items center
  justify-content center
  background-color #514878
  position relative
    height 100%
    width 100%
    position absolute
    left 0
    top 0
    opacity 0
    z-index 100
    cursor pointer
    height 110px
    width 220px
    background-color #39315a
    border-radius 100px
    display block
      inset 0 0 20px rgba(#000,0.2),
      inset 0 0 5px -2px rgba(#000,0.4)
      height 90px
      width 90px
      background-color #4a426b
      border-radius 50%
      position relative
      top 10px
      left 10px
      display block
      transition $ts-speed
        inset 0 0 1px 3px #4a426b,
        inset 0 0 6px 8px #423963,
        0 20px 30px -10px rgba(#000,0.4)
        position absolute
        display block
        height 36px
        width 36px
        background-color #5a527b
        border-radius 50%
        top 50%
        left 50%
        transition $ts-speed
        transform translate(-50%, -50%)
          inset 0 0 0 4px #635a84
          content ""
          display block
          height 14px
          width 14px
          background-color #7b7394
          border-radius 50%
          position absolute
          transition $ts-speed
          top 50%
          left 50%
          transform translate(-50%, -50%)
          box-shadow 0 0 2px 4px #524a73
      .filament-1, .filament-2
        position absolute
        display block
        height 35px
        width 35px
        border-radius 50%
        top 50%
        left 50%   
        overflow hidden
        transform translate(-50%, -50%) rotate(-45deg)
        &:after, &:before
          content ""
          display block
          height 6px
          width 17px
          border-radius 50%
          border 2px solid #4a426b
          position absolute
          transition $ts-speed
          top -4px
          left -2px
          transform rotate(-10deg)
          left 15px
          transform rotate(10deg)
        transform translate(-50%, -50%) rotate(45deg) !important
  height 100%
  width 100%
  display block
  border-radius 50%
  overflow hidden
  position absolute
  z-index 90
  perspective 70px
    height 80px
    width 80px
    border-radius 50%
    background-image linear-gradient(-135deg, transparent 10%, rgba(#fff,.3))
    position absolute
    left -40px
    bottom -45px
      content ""
      display block
      height 35px
      width 20px
      position absolute
      top -36px
      right -40px
      border-radius 50%
      box-shadow 4px -2px 0 -3px rgba(#fff,.4)
      filter blur(1px)
      transform rotate(-10deg)     
    content ""
    display block
    height 80px
    width 50px
    background-image linear-gradient(80deg, rgba(#fff,.05) 45%, rgba(#fff,.5))
    border-radius 10% 20% 50% 30% / 30% 60% 30% 40%
    position absolute
    transform-style: preserve-3d;
    transform: rotateX(-25deg)  rotate(-35deg) skewx(-15deg) translate(10px, -20px)
    top -8px
    left -5px
    content ""
    display block
    position absolute
    height 10px
    width 30px
    background-image linear-gradient(to right, transparent, rgba(#fff,.15))
    bottom 10px
    right 0px
    transform rotate(45deg)

    display block
    height 1px
    width 1px
    background-color #d1b82b
    position absolute
    right -5px
    border-radius 50%
    bottom 23px
    transition .4s
    opacity 0
    display block
    height 3px
    width 3px
    background-color #d1b82b
    position absolute
    right 20px
    border-radius 50%
    bottom 80px
    transition .4s
    opacity 0
    display block
    height 3px
    width 3px
    background-color #d1b82b
    position absolute
    left 20px
    border-radius 50%
    bottom 80px
    transition .4s
    opacity 0
    display block
    height 3px
    width 3px
    background-color #d1b82b
    position absolute
    left 20px
    border-radius 50%
    bottom 20px
    transition .4s
    opacity 0

.switch input:checked ~ label .bulb
  left 120px
  background-color #a7694a
    inset 0 0 1px 3px #a56758,
    inset 0 0 6px 8px #6b454f,
    0 20px 30px -10px rgba(#000,0.4),
    0 0 30px 50px rgba(#fdb843,.1)
.switch input:checked ~ label .bulb > .bulb-center
  background-color #feed6b
    inset 0 0 0 4px #fdec6a,
    0 0 12px 10px #bca83c,
    0 0 20px 14px #a1664a
    background-color #fef401
    box-shadow 0 0 2px 4px #fdb843
.switch input:checked ~ label .bulb > 
  &.filament-1, &.filament-2
    &:before, &:after
      border-color #fef4d5
.switch input:checked ~ label .bulb > .sparks 
  & .spark1
    height 1px
    width 1px
    animation spark1 2s ease-in-out
    animation-delay: .4s
  & .spark2
    height 1px
    width 1px
    animation spark2 2.4s ease-in-out
    animation-delay: .4s
  & .spark3
    height 1px
    width 1px
    animation spark3 2s ease-in-out
    animation-delay: .9s
  & .spark4
    height 1px
    width 1px
    animation spark4 1.7s ease-in-out
    animation-delay: .9s
@keyframes spark1
    right -5px
    height 1px
    width 1px
    opacity 0
    height 3px
    width 3px
    right 0px
    opacity 1
    right -5px
    opacity 1
    height 3px
    width 3px
    height 3px
    width 3px
    right -60px
    bottom 40px
    opacity 0
@keyframes spark2
    height 3px
    width 3px
    opacity 0
    opacity 1
    right -20px
    bottom 100px
    opacity 0
@keyframes spark3
    opacity 0
    opacity 1
    height 2px
    width 2px
    left 0px
    bottom 100px
    opacity 0
    height 3px
    width 3px
@keyframes spark4
    opacity 0
    opacity 1
    height 2px
    width 2px
    left -20px
    bottom -10px
    opacity 0
    height 3px
    width 3px

As I've mentioned above I'm using pure CSS not a single line of JS. Enjoy:)

Hope you all enjoyed this post. Stay tuned for the next one. Until then

Happy Coding.

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